Remove Vinyl Wrap

The condition and life span of your vehicle’s vinyl wrap depend on how you take care of it. Regular polishing and waxes and a careful attitude about vinyl wrap joints, corners, and edges can allow your vehicle to move on with the same wrap for 6 to 8 years. But if you get bored of your car’s same old look, you can change your vinyl wrap according to your new interest; this is the immense joy of vinyl car wrap. There can be some reasons why anyone wants to remove the car vinyl.

  • To refurbish the original paintwork of the car 
  • To give a new personalized look to the vehicle. 
  • To change the logo or the information mentioned on the vehicle.
  • To eradicate the old vinyl wrap of your car that has been damaged or faded its color because of careless use of your vehicle.

Most customers approach us for a car vinyl change for any reason mentioned above. The vinyl wrap of those vehicles is often found in good condition, mainly the logo, contact, or brand information that needs to be changed. 

How to remove a vehicle wrap

Cleaning a vinyl wrap from a vehicle using simple tools is easy. If you work at a cold temperature, you may need to heat the vinyl to lose the adhesive. A blow torch can help lose the vinyl with its quick pass over the vehicle. A flat plastic spatula is also required to execute the edges and joints of vinyl wrap to lift them for different workouts.

Plastic vinyl typically does not damage the car’s original paint under the vinyl. But using scratchy tools like grinding wheels, sandpapers, polishes, cutoff wheels, tumbling and vibratory mass-finishing media, sandblasting, pulp stones, ball mills, and screwdrivers can harm the original paint underneath.

 You need to work on the vinyl removal project systematically side by side; discard each vinyl panel as you remove them. Do not get worried about the adhesive remains. It can be polished after the project is completed, but minimizing the adhesive amount is better.

Bonus Tips

Refrain from sparing your time to get the vinyl removal project done, and be very careful while lifting the vinyl wrap of your car. Keep in mind haste makes waste. The more you try to be fast, the chances of damage increase. 

 Avoid overheating your car’s vinyl wrap. Extreme heat can even melt the underneath paint of your vehicle. Or it may be harmful to you and can even give you burn bruises.

Please Note

The quality of your car’s paintwork will also affect the result of your vinyl wrap removal project. Besides using state-of-the-art vinyl removal tools, if the car paint underneath is not up to the standard will be damaged during vinyl removal.

Do’s and don’ts of vinyl wrap removal

Following the fundamental dos and don’ts of vehicle vinyl wrap amputation can give you a surety of a good start and a relaxed end to your project of vinyl removal.

  • Remember to start from the boundary or the joint and carefully lose the wrap from the edge.
  • Do the vinyl heat up lightly to melt the adhesive so that it can peel off easily.
  • Do the peel systematically.
  • Do try to remove a panel of vinyl in one single piece as whole
  • Don’t use scratchy and sharp tools to loosen the edge – the best thing is to use a plastic spatula, or squeegee.
  • Don’t swelter it – overheating can damage the paint underneath.
  • Stay calm; it can create a lot of mess for you and gives you an untidy look.
  • Don’t get worried if the vinyl wrap gets a tear. Just carry your work from the torn edge; applying heat can be helpful if needed.

Be kind to your vehicle’s original paint and bodywork. If there is doubt about any damage during the vinyl removal project, take your time for some other commitment and leave it to experts.

Please don’t do it by yourself. 

Removing car vinyl by yourself is not a wise decision. One cannot remove it with perfection. Regardless of how careful you are, you may damage it. 


We happily welcome you if you want us to remove your vehicle’s old vinyl wrap if you need expert hands to remove vinyl. We remove old vinyl vehicles. To get our services, you need to contact us via phone or through our official website to book one of our experts to form a team of skilled persons. 

In case you want to change your vinyl vehicle wrap. Then choose us confidently as we are experts in changing vinyl wrap. Our expert hands can adequately remove the first wrap and the residue before applying a new wrap.

We are proud to have the most modern equipment and well-experienced staff using state-of-the-art technology to wrap and unwrap vinyl from your vehicles. 

Fully restoration of your Car in original from is a matter of minutes for us


How to lift vinyl?

  • Avoid extreme cold and direct sunlight.
  • Use a heat gun to heat your vinyl wrap.
  • Keep the panel edges, especially if you want to remove your car vinyl in a single piece. 
  • 25 to 40-degree angle is best for the vinyl removal.
  • Use adhesive remover or rubber wheel for decal remover for residue. 

Why do you need to remove the vinyl wrap?

  • You want your original car paint back. 
  • Vinyl wrap is damaging or aging.
  • When you want to change the appearance of your car.
  • You want to follow the new patterns and designs that are in fashion.

What is the right environment?

The right environment for car vinyl removal is a dry indoor space with 70 to 80 degrees of foreign heat. It helps in preventing cracking due to cold.

What are the right tools for removing car vinyl without damage?

The right tools for removing car vinyl are

Heat gun: the essential tool for removing the vinyl wrap. If you don’t heat your vinyl, it may cause damage to the underneath paint. 

Plastic Razor Blade/ Scraper lifts or peels off the vinyl wrap.

Rapid remover: adhesive removers help remove adhesive residue.

Microfiber towel: These towels are used to wipe debris.