color changing car vinyl wrap

Are you considering purchasing a brand-new car? Does your vehicle need an update? You’re tired of the same-old color car that you have had for several years. Auto Buss Vaughan will give your vehicle a new, dramatic look if any of the above questions are answered with a yes. 

Let’s talk about some of the advantages of a color-changing wrap. Color change wrappings are a great way to express your personality and individuality. Choose from an array of finishes, textures, colors, and other options to customize your vehicle. It’s also a very cost-effective option that will not break the bank. It’s also reversible, so you can switch the paint color without damaging your original vehicle. Let’s also not forget that a color-change wrap offers added protection against scratches, chips, and other forms of damage. It can also help to maintain the value and appearance of your car. Consider a wrap to give your car some style and personality. This is a quick and easy way to change the appearance of your vehicle.

Color Change Wraps: benefits

Easy maintenance: 

You should hand-wash your vehicle after we have added a wrap. You will also be provided with the correct types of solution to apply to your wrap. Make sure you use a brushless automatic car wash if you are going to wash your vehicle. It is important not to rip your wrap once it’s been applied.

Color wraps are less expensive than painting: 

You can change the color of your wrappings at any time without paying for a new paint job. A professional will also remove it if needed. Wraps are not only less expensive, but they also last for an average of 5 to 7 years.

Resale Value: 

Adding a color-change wrap to your car can keep the original manufacturer’s paint and the resale price. The next owner may not be happy with the paint color you chose. Wraps can easily be repainted to their original colors.


Your vehicle will be protected against wear and tear, including dirt, rocks, weathering snow, and ice. When covered with a wrap, prolonged sun exposure won’t damage the original paint. Imagine your wrap like a protective shield for your car. If you remove the wrap, your vehicle’s paint will still look as it did the day it was installed.

Hence, Wrapping your vehicle in vinyl can protect it from stone chips, fading, and weather damage. You can change the color of your vehicle’s paint without damaging its original finish, which could affect the resale price.

A new look: 

Your vehicle will look brand-new with the stunning colors available. You get to choose the color. It is possible that the paint could have been done incorrectly, or colors can dry differently. You can avoid these problems by choosing a wrap that changes color. Before the vehicle is wrapped, you will know how it will appear.

It provides a paint-like finish

Installed by an expert in vehicle wrapping, a color-change car wrap can give the appearance of freshly painted paint with the durability and strength of vinyl. Installers will apply the wraps with no overlaps or seams to give your car a painted look.

Offers Greater Versatility

Color change wraps are more flexible than custom paint jobs because no color is out of bounds. Vinyl wraps can be customized to have different finishes, like a matte or gloss finish.


The interior of a vehicle is just as important, if not more so, than what lies under the hood. The exterior gives you and other people their first impression of your vehicle. The color change film used for vehicle wraps adds a pop of color.

The color options for vehicles used to be fairly standard. There wasn’t much variation other than the basic colors. In the past, dealers or aftermarket companies could add trims and other small changes to your vehicle. But there weren’t many options for making it stand out. Now, color-changing film for vehicle wraps is readily available. This allows you to stand out from the crowd.

What is a color-changing film?

 The answer is right in the title. This product can also be described as a replacement for paint since it can be used over standard paint jobs. The revolutionary film can be used over the body of any car to give it a new look. This iridescent effect is created when the light hits this film.    

The shift effect adds variety

Transform the exterior of a car from dull to exciting! Color-changing films are more than just a way to change the vehicle’s color. Paint can do this. The “shift effect” makes a difference when a car is wrapped in color-changing film. What’s that?

Vehicles with changing film make this car display several colors

In essence, color-change vehicle wrap turns your car into a chameleon! The color-changing film changes colors when sunlight or other light bounces off it.

Or is it copper? Is it green? Silver? The light bouncing off the color-changing film wraps your car, revealing various colors that “shift” or change as you move or when the vehicle is in the field of view. Your vehicle will be noticed, and the graphics will grab passers-by’s attention. This vinyl shift effect creates interest, whether as a full-coverage wrap or text and designs. This shift effect can change the colors displayed on a vehicle depending on whether it is being viewed in direct light or ambient lighting and the angle.

The color-changing film can give any vehicle or helmet a new look, including motorcycles, bikes, boats (above the waterline), and racecars. When applied as graphics, it can be used to make a logo, slogan, or other information visible.

Transform your car with color-changing vinyl

You can be yourself! Your car will have an original look with color-changing films.

The shift effect of color-changing vinyl even works indoors

You can change your mind. You can change the exterior paint color later or return to the original color. If you repaint the car, you cannot go back to its original color, but if using color-changing films, you can.

Matte, glossy, or both? There are so many options to offer to your clients, whether it’s a standard or a shift effect.

Uses for Color Change Film

No paint match is needed if there are any exterior scratches or “dings”. If you have bodywork done on your vehicle after an accident, you will not need to worry about matching the faded paint.

You can keep your resale value higher. The color-changing film can be removed to return the vehicle to its original color. Or, perhaps your purchaser will like the new color.

Protects the original paint job from fading beneath the film

The original paint is protected under the film so it doesn’t fade.

Deal. You didn’t want a white car, but it was a dream car for a good price. It’s just white. It’s white. You may have always wanted to own a classic vehicle, but its paint has faded badly. You don’t have to abandon your dreams. Color-changing films can transform an ugly paint job into the one you want.

Potential Vehicle Wrap Customers

Who is the target audience for vehicle wrapping? When you hear the word vehicle wrap, your mind may immediately go to big businesses that have fleets. Many business vehicles have their names, logos, and other business information displayed on them.

However, they aren’t the only ones who might be interested in vehicle wrapping. Individuals who want to improve the appearance of their vehicle also seek out wrapping. You can find a wide range of different finishes at a paint or car dealer. Mixing and matching colors and finishes can create unique looks. The possibilities are endless!

You can customize the appearance of your vehicle with different colors and finishes. Vehicle wrapping is a great way to achieve the look of a race car.

You can now offer your customers more variety regarding how their vehicles are wrapped.

Looking for a wrap installation partner?

If you are looking for a wrap color company, choose one that is experienced and takes pride in its work. Auto Buss Vaughan has been wrapping cars for years.

Our team is also qualified in the following:

  • The 3M Preferred installer
  • 3M Architectural Endorsed
  • Avery Dennison Certified Installer
  • Knifeless Accredited
  • DI-NOC Endorsed


Why not consider a color-changing wrap for your vehicle if you are considering purchasing a brand-new car? Are you tired of your boring old color? We have over 100 stunning colors for you to choose from. We also offer a variety of options for updating your car. There are many different finishes, including metallic, glossy, matte, brushed, reflective, chrome, and glow-in-the-dark. A simple change of color can transform your vehicle.

Contact us for a color-changing wrap to create a new look on your car. Send us your design ideas, and we’ll create and install an exciting wrap for your vehicle!