car paint protection film

Clear bra for cars, PPF coating, PPF wrap, or car paint protection film are the names of protective products. In the last decade, these car paint protection films have evolved greatly in terms of colors and texture, durability, and performance. Most of the PPF coating brands come with a self-healing, protective film that lasts for over a decade.

Cons of PPF coating

I am discussing the disadvantages of PPF wrap first because, in my view, this is more subjective and debatable than its benefits. 

No-paint-like view: PPF coating never appears as deep, clear, or texture-free as paint. The paint protection film is usually a 6- to 8-millimeter-thick plastic piece. It may have texture when you install it yourself. Although expert installers like Auto Boss install it perfectly without any texture. 

Visibility: When installed by unprofessional PPF may not wrap around some of the notches on the paint that keep it visible. The PPF wrap is more easily visible on silver vehicles than on other colors. Auto Boss experts make the wrap edges closest to panel edges and make them invisible.

Expensive: Applying PPF wrap is expensive initially. However, it saves money in the long run. You can minimize the expense by getting it on high-impact areas. 

Incorrect application: You can apply PPF wrap incorrectly whether by choosing to apply it yourself or hiring a new vendor. Incorrect application can lead to ripples, bubbles, or wrinkles in the film.

Yellowing: Low-quality paint protection films degrade or become yellow over time due to sun exposure. However, high-quality car paint protection films don’t have this defect. Applying 3M paint protection film has benefits like product warrants and longer life.

Needs replacement: PPF wraps warranties range from 5 to 12 years. After this time, you may be required to replace or remove it. 

Need paint: After removal of protection film, your car may require repainting because after removing you may want to upgrade your paint.

Complicated installation: Installing PPF coating is not a DIY project. You may require skill, precision, and a helping hand for this process. If the installation process goes wrong, bubbles or wrinkles may appear on its surface.

It still needs maintenance: besides the common myth, PPF-coated cars also need regular care and cleaning. Grime, dirt, and contaminants accumulate on the car’s surface, which affects its aesthetics and performance. Regular washing with proper cleaning products helps in maintaining the shine of the coating. 

Altering car appearance: Paint protection films are designed to be glossy; however, the glossy appearance can change the original paint color, especially if you have chosen satin or matte paint surfaces.

Reasons for imperfections appeared on the PPF coating
Reasons for imperfections appeared on the PPF coating

These imperfections appear due to three reasons. 

Material of the protection film: The major reason for the imperfections in car paint protection film is material if you want to protect your car. The low-quality film can bubble or peel off over time, regardless of its installation. 

Improper installation: If a high-quality film is installed properly, it is a part of the vehicle. It appears like actual glass on your car to protect external factors.

Maintenance: if minor scratches appear on the film surface, PPF wrap self-heals them. However, if major defects cannot be recovered, you may need to replace or remove the PPF coating. One of the larger issues in coated car maintenance is a pressure washer. Although a pressure washer saves you time, a regular pressure washer can cause scratches over time. You will be required to use a two-bucket method or hand wash to keep the PPF coating last for a long.


Related Article:  Car coating or PPF: which one is better


Pros of PPF
Pros of PPF

The car PPF benefits are numerous, but some of the top most are: 

Invisible: The PPF wrap is an invisible film that covers the vehicle’s paint. It blocks sunlight and other environmental elements without affecting the vehicle’s original paint.

Protection against scratches and rock chips: Car paint protection film protects your car from the random scratches caused by road chips. Some of the scratches appear when another vehicle passes near while touching your vehicle, or you may band the door to a wall unconsciously. At the same time, if you use sensitive interior trim that can scratch easily, engine bay areas where wires or hoses can rub the paint off. 

Prevention against fading: PPF wrap protects your car paint from fading caused by sun exposure, reducing the paint’s tarnish.

Multiple finish options: PPF wrap can be customized or personalized. You can apply it on a part of your vehicle like a hood, bumpers, rocker panel, fenders, mirrors, or door edges or wrap your vehicle completely.

Prolonged paint life: PPF coating keeps your car paint last longer, improving the resale value.

Easy maintenance: PPF coating has self-healing properties that repel water, and minor scratches are healed by themselves

Increases the vehicle life: Your vehicle value depreciates over time, and the mechanical properties, shine, and appearance degrade over the year. PPF wrap preserves the shine and car paint surface in the coming years.

Easy application: PPF coating is easier to apply than other paint protection options. 


Every car owner wants his vehicle to be protected against scratches, chips, or other road damage. Paint protection film is one of the popular protection options for your car.


Is there any disadvantage of the PPF coating? 

The only disadvantage of the PPF coat is yellowing over time. Although PPF wrap provides car paint protection due to sun exposure, it changes its color to yellow over time.

Is paint protection film worth it?

PPF wrap usually last for up to ten years and keeps your car paint in pristine condition for this time

Does PPF coating damage car paint?

PPF coating doesn’t damage your car paint; it will neither create a chemical bond to it.