Scotchshield Security Film

Have you noticed most burglars and intruders gain access to the property through glass windows? Therefore, it is necessary to make glass window security your top priority. Even if your property is equipped with advanced security cameras and alarms, it offers zero benefits in saving you from intruders breaking into your property by breaking the glass windows. 

Also, they don’t prevent glass from shattering during an accident, break-ins, or a natural disaster. To keep yourself safe in such situations, you need a Scotchshield security film. Let’s explore together the benefits of Scotchshield security film and why you should get it in Vaughan. 

Benefits of Scotchshield Security Film in Vaughan

Enhanced Privacy and Protection

Everyone loves privacy, but can you get it 24/7? Many of you must be shaking your head, but you can improve your security and privacy with Scotchshield security film. These window films are available in various shades and tint levels that block up to 95% of the visible light, limiting the light penetration through the window. 

The higher the tint percentage of 3M Scotchshield security film, the more privacy it offers. Prolonged exposure to sunlight damages the interior, but with 3M Scotchshield automotive security film, this is never a complaint. It protects you and your belongings from damage by providing superior protection from sun damage by blocking it. 

Maximum Security

The increase in the crime rate in Canada is worrisome. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in something that provides you exceptional security. 3M Scotchshield security film is a great pick to enhance your car’s security in Canada. 

They are thick and hard to break that withstand impactful damage, making them an impenetrable barrier for auto-theft and intruders. You should invest in this to guard your property with the best security film in the market. 

Protection from Injuries

Glass windows are sensitive to shattering, and this broken glass can injure anyone badly. An effective way to save yourself and your loved ones from injuries is to install Scotchield security film. It keeps the broken glass pieces from falling by holding them together. In short, it provides extra security to you and your property by making the glass shatter-proof. 

Here, shatter-proof does not mean the glass won’t break. Any glass will break with a forceful impact. However, glass windows with 3M Scotchield security film will be harder to break and even if it breaks, the broken glass pieces will stay in their places. These films increase the tear strength of glass, which saves you from accidental injuries and break-ins. 

Heat Reduction 

One big reason to get 3M Scotchshield security film is Canadian weather. You know how hot summers are in Canada, and window security films are effective in beating that heat. These films let you enjoy heat without making your car a hot oven. 

The Scotchshield security film is best in reducing heat and keeping the vehicle cool in the summers. If you want to maintain the temperature of your car without any AC, get window security film as soon as possible.

Blocks Harmful UV Rays

The best feature of 3M Scotchshield security automotive film is that it can block harmful UV rays. Filtering the light coming from the sun is important to keep yourself safe and healthy. Everyone is aware that UV radiations are harmful and pose serious health hazards. 

We can not turn a blind eye towards it while knowing how dangerous these rays can be. So, you should invest in Scotchshield security film today for your safety and better health.

Glare Reduction

Are you not convinced yet? Here’s another reason to get Scotchshield security film for your car. Does the sudden glare from the sun or car’s headlights frustrate you? If yes, that’s your reason to get the 3M security film. Installing this film reduces light glare, which helps the driver enjoy a comfortable ride without being distracted by sudden glare.

Final Thoughts

Installing Scotchshield security film is a smart way to handle modern security challenges effectively. From enhancing your security to offering exceptional durability, these security films offer plenty of advantages. With 3M Scotchshield security film you can enjoy added security without altering the design and appearance of your car windows. Many Canadians are installing Scotchshield security films to enhance their vehicle’s security and stay protected against unexpected threats.


Does security window film actually work?

Yes, security window films are highly effective and a practical solution to prevent break-ins, provide more privacy, and are durable. These films also prevent glass from shattering and hold the broken pieces together.

What is the life expectancy of 3M window film?

3M window security films are quite durable and have a life expectancy of over 10 years. However, if you maintain it well, its life can be increased to twenty years. 

Is 3M window film worth it?

Considering the benefits 3m window films offer, they are a money-worthy investment. For best results, you should get it done by professionals and the film should be compatible with your windows.